Thursday, April 13, 2006

Office 2007 Video- This is Exciting!

Microsoft has released a video detailing and demonstrating some of the features and the UI of Office 2007, due for release next January.
This should be fun. I can't wait to get my hands on it. Of course, it looks like it would be painful to use at work with the formatting I have to do there which has to be standardized and very non-graphical, but a problem that has plagued me for years was shown on the video. When you insert a picture into a document, for me it has always been a crap shoot as to whether I could get the text to wrap around it or not. Often I've been left with the picture centered and the text under it. I'm sure there's an easy way around this, but I never really bothered to take the time. This feature is easily found in Office '07.
Of course, there was no word about Outlook, which I do use heavily and I would love to see some real useability put into it. I could care less about publishing my calendar on the web, just let me see the tasks that I have to do each day in a weekly view. And of course, One Note was left out. I'm ambivalent about One Note. The program has a lot of potential, but most hasn't been implemented yet. What exists now certainly isn't worth $99 retail. I downloaded a trial of GoBinder not too long ago, which is slightly more functional than One Note and half the price.
Enjoy the video.

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