Monday, June 09, 2008

New iPhone

I’ve been following some of the live blogging of Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference, hoping for word of the new iPhone. I’m finding Mac Rumors and Gizmodo are the best liveblogs of the event. I’m still torn on whether I want an iPhone or not. I recently heard that the iPhone will have integrated GPS. My iPaq 6945 has had it all along. The iPhone has 3G data, and mine only had EDGE, which is the speed of the current iPhone’s data. Talk time is good, and seven hours of browsing. That’s one serious weakness of my phone: battery life. I’ve heard rumors that the new iPhone will be subsidized, so prices will only be $199 with a 2 year contract. I already have AT&T, and although my wife hates them she seems to have no solution.

I did come up with a way to talk my wife into the iPhone. She never seems to remember to bring the charger for her phone. I charge all of my gadgets every night whether they need it or not, but we often leave the house and find her phone almost dead. If we both had iPhones, obviously I’d always have a compatible charger on me… I doubt it will work, but I’ll try anyway.

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