WebIS released Flexmail 4 recently. I got the email yesterday. I’ve used the beta at a few intervals, but kept running into a minor problem of Flexmail refusing to download entire messages, preferring to truncate them instead. I decided to wait for the final release. I downloaded and installed it.
I’ve been using this product through a few versions and naming schemes. Around Christmas (or generic, unmentionable holiday) 2004, Handango was giving away a free application each week. One week, the application was WebIS Mail. For those of you who have used the Pocket Outlook client on Windows Mobile, you know that either the Windows Mobile developers are freaking lazy or have some kind of revenue sharing agreement with third party developers. I’ve used Windows Mobile 2002, 2003, 2003SE, and 2005. I’ve also used the update of WM 5 for my iPaq 4705. I honestly haven’t seen any improvement in Pocket Outlook whatsoever, forcing a power user to spend money on third party clients. The mail program is particularly useless. It took the Windows Mobile team up to Windows Mobile 6 to incorporate the ability for Pocket Outlook to work with html mail. WebIS Mail 2 had this feature on my iPaq 3765, which was running Windows Mobile 2002.
WebIS renamed the third version Flexmail, and released it as Flexmail 2007. I purchased it. I’ve watched the development of Flexmail 4. As I said, I keep running up against a truncation issue.
Sure enough, even though I set up my gmail folders to download the entire message and full attachments, I still found mail truncating. I decided to go back to Flexmail 2007, which I know works solidly on my phone. Perhaps I should do Alex (the developer) the courtesy of filing a bug report so he can look into it. In the meantime, here is a plug for his company. I’ve also used three versions of Pocket Informant, WebIS’s phenomenally powerful calendar, task, contact, and project management program. It is so good, I even bought Franklin Covey’s Plan Plus for Outlook to take advantage of all the features. If you have a Pocket PC, I highly recommend this. I know a Blackberry version is in the works, as is an iPhone version, although no details on that will be available until Apple lifts the NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement.) Pocket Informant is so good, if Alex ever developed a desktop client, I’d stop using Microsoft Outlook.
Technorati Tags: Pocket PC,Window Mobile,Flexmail,WebIS,Pocket Informant
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