Almost as if on cue after my blog post earlier about my church’s event yesterday, when I got home and we sat down for dinner, Joshua asked “Why do we sing in church?” Fully remembering my attitude yesterday morning, my wife told him “ask your daddy.”
Now I really felt on the spot. I immediately thought of something Chuck Missler said, about “The LORD inhabits the praises of His people.” I went looking through my Bible programs, and found that verse in the King James in Psalm 22:3. I also told Joshua, and I probably lost him by this point, that any glimpse the Bible gives us into Heaven shows people singing and praising God. This includes angels. Joshua asked me why, and I replied “Because God is so great.” At this point we degenerated into a “why?” train the likes of which would cause the most trained and educated apologist would to lose his sanity.
Other bloggers would leave a long chain of Bible references. I’m just summarizing, and relaying an apparent slap in the face concerning my attitude of late toward singing in church, or at least the apparent repertoire of hymns my church seems to limit itself to. I don’t see any account in Revelation or Isaiah of people singing “Jesus is my Flashlight”, but they’re still singing away.
I guess because I’m such a geek, when I don’t like something, for whatever reason, I just really don’t like it. I often can’t fake that I like something to be polite. I guess we can all be joyful that I didn’t go into professional ministry. I wanted to at one point, but I think the world will be a much happier place with me working as an engineer. Maybe I’ll tell the story of how I dropped out of Bible college later.
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