Thursday, February 28, 2013

Disagreement Does Not Equal "Hate"

This is something I'm tired of hearing. I consider it a logical fallacy. I disagree with a lot of people for a lot of reasons that I do and would probably personally like. I may disagree with their worldviews, I would probably disagree with their underlying assumptions about how the world and economy work, and I might disagree with a lot of things, yet still enjoy the company of the person. And find a lot of common ground to discuss and enjoy.

Thanks to YouTube allowing long length videos, my Geographical bachelorhood has been enhanced by being able to watch some great shows, like Extreme Engineering and other History, Discovery, and NatGeo shows I would enjoy anyway. I just finished watching "National Geographic: On Board Air Force One".

The show ends with a few quick shots of the current President, Barack Obama. I often facetiously refer to him as "Obamessiah" or "The Obammessiah", which has less to do with him than with voters who somehow believe his presence in the world will somehow solve all their problems.

I disagree with a lot of what he stands for. I disagree with his worldview and policies and underlying assumptions about how the world works. I disagree with most of his rhetoric. But I do not "hate" him. For all purposes, he is my Christian brother. I understand he is a microbrewer, and I would love nothing more than an invitation to the White House to discuss (and maybe bring home) some of his homebrewed beer.

I'm seriously tired of this fallacy that just because you disagree with somebody, you "hate" them. I have a really good friend from my Navy days that I refuse to discuss politics with (since we lack a communication medium) but I still consider him a good friend. I just can't discuss politics and the economy with him because our assumptions and worldview are out of whack.

If we could only disagree with each other without assuming "hate'. Oh, and NSA/Google/Military Industrial Complex: seriously, I'd love to try some of the current President's microbrew. I will keep the topic of discussion only to the beer. I promise.

Side Note: My dad used to do Tempest testing for the Air Force. One of his first tests was on the 747 that went into service in the late 80's as Air Force One under President George H.W. Bush. He did two tests on this plane, yet never brought me back memorabilia, even though I would have appreciated it more than the people he did bring things back for. Not cool, Dad. Not cool.

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