Monday, January 11, 2016

A Silly, And Probably Inappropriate, Question

So, David Bowie died. It isn't likely to make much difference in my life. I liked a few of his songs, and had nothing against him. We all die, so I usually don't waste much energy grieving celebrities unless they had a real impact on my life other than some songs or acting work that I enjoyed. I grieved Stephen Covey, because his work did impact my life.

Living in northern Virginia, I participate in a practice called "slugging". When I drive to work, I pick up riders. They get a free ride, and I don't have to pay a toll in the express lanes. The problem is, talking is generally discouraged. Sometimes I get riders that talk, but if not, it's a long, silent ride. When I have slugs in my truck, I put the radio on a local talk station that's normally non-controversial. But sometimes, it bores the hell out of me. Not just the sports, at 15 and 45. Since Bowie died, that's almost all they talked today about besides sports, traffic, and weather. And they played clips of his songs over and over so much I'm still trying to get them out of my head.

I didn't realize he did that song "Ch-ch-ch-changes". I always thought that was a woman singing. Hell, the song was played to death before I was born. I'm only familiar with a few of Bowie's songs from the 80's.

And that led me to the question: why do we celebrate men who sing in such a way that we'd think they're women if we didn't know better? Effeminate singing voices, if you will. I know, mainstream culture seems to love that stuff.

Take Michael Jackson. If you didn't grow up in a culture that knew him well (when I was in 3rd grade in 82-83, most of the other children had Michael Jackson red zipper vests and a single white glove), and you heard his songs, would you think it was a woman singing?

I'm just curious. I don't even think I have a point here.

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