Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Super Mario Bros.Wii: Generations of Fun

Somebody bought my kids the new Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. Joshua asked me to play with him on Sunday, and again yesterday after work.

I'm not much of a gamer. I get the feeling Joshua will be. He's always been good at figuring games out without much help. I don't game because I know my weaknesses and limitations. I know how much time I have to devote once I'm hooked on a game, and I don't have the time to spend on games right now. The last two games I seriously got into were Diablo 2 and The Simms (1st version).

Super Mario has changed, yet stayed the same. I found the controls to work the way I remembered them on Nintendo and Super Nintendo. There are some new special items like a helicopter suit.

I thought it was funny when Joshua told me that I'm good at this. I told him I played the original Super Mario Brothers, probably 20 years ago. I think it was about 87 or 88 when I got my first Nintendo along with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt. I always wanted to shoot the dog when it laughed at me for missing a duck.

Joshua really like the Yoshies. I thought they were fun too.

My dad never played Super Mario with me, but in our case, we can have "generations of fun with it." It took me a long time to get him to pronounce it right though. He kept calling it "Maroh". He also didn't understand Mario's "Letsa go!" at first.


Sudoku said...

Thank you for your review of Super Mario Bros Wii. I've just got a Black Wii and I look forward to playing it.

Eric S. Mueller said...

Thank you. It's a fun game.