Sunday, July 22, 2012

Worry Accomplishes Nothing

But action accomplishes a lot.

There is a difference.

Several years ago, I put my house up for sale. I tried to sell it with Buy Owner. The market dropped out from under me about the day my house went up.

We went with Buy Owner because we thought we could save money on the Realtor's commission. Since those days, I got my real estate license and worked for a while as a Realtor. Now, I'd advise finding a GOOD Realtor (they exist). They're worth every penny.

During the Buy Owner days, I'd get calls from people asking to see the house. We'd schedule an appointment. Then scramble to get the house ready. My boys were 2 and 3 at the time.

Then the person would come through. And we'd wait. And hear nothing.

I finally listed with a Realtor. The first one we listed with was not a good fit for us. That's all I'll say. You can look through my archive for early 2008 for details on that. Then we listed with a Realtor who became a great friend and also my mentor when I was a Realtor. But the market was not there and we couldn't compete on price, and came down off the market.

I can remember a few times when we'd have a showing. After the people left, I'd sit there "worrying" about whether they'd call or not. It was a LOT of work for us to get the house ready for each showing with two small boys in the house. Sometimes it would take us 7 or 8 hours of work. I'd have to take a vacation day to help clean up and prepare. So I was worried. And it did nothing for us.

I can remember after a showing, Caleb (2 at the time) would command me "Pick me up!" I'd tell him no, because I was too busy worrying about whether the people we busted our asses to clean the house for would make an offer.

And what do I have to show for it? Nothing but the realization that I pushed my son away so I could stand there and accomplish nothing.

Right now, I'm facing another huge challenge. And I REFUSE to "worry" about it. I'm not going to let worry rob me of the minor gains I've made in my physical fitness and weight loss. I'm not going to let worry mess up my work day. And since I get about one day with my family every two weeks right now, I didn't let worry take it away from me.

What am I going to do instead? I made of list of actions and when they can be taken, which is not right now (Sunday evening). So, tomorrow, Monday, I will begin to execute those actions.

I'm sure you face worry too. Rather than wasting time and energy worrying about things, just make a list of steps you can take to take action on the problem. Then make a note of when that action can be taken. Then walk away from the problem until the action can be taken.

No matter what you're dealing with, it will improve your quality of life. Sometimes, if you clear your head, you'll have ideas pop up that you never saw coming.

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